Tony MalikAnthony Malik | Principal Consultant

Anthony (“Tony”) Malik is a seasoned international tax and business consultant with a career spanning over a decade and a half. He provides expert cross-border tax planning and compliance services to both individuals and businesses. Tony advises multinational businesses on the tax aspects of foreign market entry and exit, profit repatriation, transfer pricing, corporate restructuring, and purchases and sales of businesses. He also consults individuals on complex international tax issues such as stock options from multinationals, pre-immigration tax planning, U.S. citizenship/green card renunciation (expatriation), and tax-beneficial holding structures for real estate and financial investments.

Tony is also a federally enrolled legal representative with unlimited practice and taxpayer representation rights. Tony prudently learns of his clients’ international tax predicaments and zealously represents them in various taxpayer amnesty programs as well as in audits conducted by the IRS’s Large Business and International (LB&I) Division. Tony is fervently committed to the best practices under Circular 230 and exhausts all available administrative remedies to ensure the best possible outcome for his clients.

Tony previously managed international tax compliance and controversy planning at a tier-one CPA firm. Prior to that, Tony was a tax litigation specialist at a prominent law firm working alongside former IRS tax lawyers and accountants. He is a frequent speaker to professional tax and CPA societies as well as a contributor to industry-leading journals on taxation. Tony, incidentally the creator of the blog Philosophia Polymathematica, is a philosopher at heart and is keenly aware that the mastery of his craft would have never been as complete without the deep philosophical base he is able to give it.

Educational Background

  • Special Enrollment Examinations (S.E.E. / E.A.), Taxation, U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc), University of West Georgia
    • Thesis: “Elusive Elements of Strategic Transfer Pricing – Exploring IRC § 482 and Limitations in Theoretical Accountancy”
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Finance, University of West Georgia
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Real Estate, University of West Georgia

Professional Associations

  •  National Association of Enrolled Agents (E.A.), ID No. 312481
  •  Georgia Society of Certified Public Accountants (CPA), ID No. 22487

Honors and Awards

  •  Who’s Who in America (2025 Edition)
  •  Fellow, National Tax Practice Institute

Contact Information

  • E:
  • T: (770) 845-9289 [Prescheduled calls only. To arrange, contact]
  • F: (770) 628-0086
  • Z: Point Square


Cost Allocation Base Selection for Transfer Pricing Purposes,” Journal of International Taxation, Thomson Reuters, Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2024.

The Creditability of Contemporaneously Paid Foreign Taxes,Tax Notes International, Tax Analysts, Vol. 111, No. 6, August 2023.

Essential Tax Rules of Cross-Border Gifting,” Journal of Financial Planning, Financial Planning Association, Vol. 35, No. 10, October 2022.

Timing the Creditability of Accrued Foreign Taxes,” Journal of International Taxation, Thomson Reuters, Vol. 33, No. 3, March 2022.

An Inquiry into the Factors Aiding Clemency for Foreign Corporations Requesting Protective Tax Return Filing Deadline Waivers,” California Tax Lawyer, The State Bar of California—Taxation Section, Vol. 28, No. 1, May 2019.

Taxation of Dividends from Foreign Corporations,” Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure, CCH Wolters Kluwer, Vol. 18, No. 5, October-November 2016.

Classification of Foreign Business Entities Under U.S. Tax Law,” EA Journal, National Association of Enrolled Agents, Vol. 34, No. 2, March-April 2016.

U.S. Tax Implications of Foreign Incorporations,” EA Journal, National Association of Enrolled Agents, Vol. 33, No. 5, September-October 2015. 

Stock Sales: Taxation of Foreign Shareholders of U.S. Corporations,” EA Journal, National Association of Enrolled Agents, Vol. 33, No. 2, March-April 2015. 

An Overview of the International Tax Withholding and Reporting Framework,” EA Journal, National Association of Enrolled Agents, Vol. 33, No. 1, January-February 2015. 

“Lessons Learned from Apple’s Tax Policy,” CTA Newsletter, Corporate Tax Alliance, June 2013.

“Treasury Regulation § 1.911-1(a) – Partial Exclusion For Earned Income From Sources Within A Foreign Country And Foreign Housing Costs,” 2013 U.S. Master Tax Guide, CCH Wolters Kluwer.

“Continuing Case Against Inter-Period Tax Allocation,” acknowledged contributor to Ara G. Volkan, Joseph C. Rue, and J. Ronald Colley, Journal of Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 2009.

Lectures and Professional Courses Written

(Periodically updated to reflect the latest changes in law and procedure)

“International Taxation Q&A,” Master Class Series in Global Financial Planning, Global Financial Planning Institute, Webinar (October 7, 2021).

“Residency, Domicile and Source of Income,” Master Class Series in Global Financial Planning (Lesson 2), Global Financial Planning Institute, Webinar (June 10, 2021).

Tax Ramifications of Domestic Disregarded Entities Owned by Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Businesses,” 7th Annual International Tax Program, Tax Practice Pro, Inc., New York, NY (May 8, 2020).

Considerations for U.S. Single-Member LLCs Owned by Nonresident Aliens,” 7th Annual International Tax Program, Tax Practice Pro, Inc., New York, NY (May 8, 2020).

Representing the Taxpayer with a Revoked Passport,” co-presented with John Sheeley and Geoff Plourde, Tax Practice Pro, Inc., Webinar (October 4, 2019).

Taxation of Americans Abroad and Nonresident Filers,” Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents, Boston, MA (October 18, 2017).

MASEA’s International Tax Day,” Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents, Springfield, MA (October 17, 2017).

Taxation of International Businesses,” International Business Exchange, World Trade Center, Atlanta, GA (March 14, 2017).

Taxation of Foreign Dividends,” Georgia Society of CPAs, Atlanta, GA (February 16, 2017).

Crash Course in International Taxation,” Georgia Society of CPAs, Atlanta, GA (October 25, 2016).

Careers in Taxation for Accounting Students,” University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA (each Spring Semester).

Investing Internationally: The Tax Aspects,” Chilean Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, GA (June 8, 2016).

Foreign Tax and Treasury Reporting,” Money Concepts Wealth Management & Financial Planning, Marietta, GA (November 16, 2015).

Special Tax Issues for Expatriate Americans,” Georgia Association of Enrolled Agents, Atlanta, GA (July 27, 2015).

Taxation of Foreign Investors in U.S. Real Estate,” Georgia Society of CPAs, Atlanta, GA (May 21, 2015).

Introduction to U.S. Tax Jurisdiction,” Georgia Association of Enrolled Agents, Atlanta, GA (November 17, 2014).

Other Media

Interview with Bold Journey Magazine (November 17, 2023)

Interview with VoyageATL Magazine (September 26, 2017)

Philosophia Polymathematica


Lisa Gallagher | Associate

Lisa joined our firm in August 2018. She handles a wide range of tax and administrative matters for our clients, including tax returns, FBARs, engagement letters, and billing.

Contact Information